Pets Come First is a non-euthanasia animal shelter committed to caring for animals of central Pennsylvania, and supporting the local community. Pets Come First works closely with other local rescues, clinics, and pet food pantries to support community cat “trap and release” programs along with low cost spay and neuter programs to combat the root cause of pet overpopulation. You can support Pets Come First by adopting, donating, or volunteering. Thank you for the ongoing support – we could not continue to be successful without you!
Missing or found pet? Check out our partner, PetCo Love Lost, today!
We love rescuing pets, but we love it even more when they find a home!
Pets Come First continues to need your support to be successful!
We can only exist with help from
volunteers like you!
What’s happening at Pets Come First?
PCF BINGO – April 13!
Pets Come First BINGO! Sunday - April 13, 2025 Mountain View Country Club Doors open at 12:00pm - Early Bird Play begins at 1:00pm - Bingo at 1:30pm 50/50 Raffle! Auctions! Door prizes! Food for purchase! Tickets $25 for 20 games! Tickets sold online at petscomefirst.net/bingo! Game play consists
Valentine’s Candy Sale
Want to get some delicious candy and support a good cause? Pets Come First is currently running a Gardners candy fundraiser. We have gift bags with peanut butter meltaway bars and pretzel rods, or you can order a whole box to give out to your loved ones! A perfect Valentine's
Penns Valley Wrestling Benefit Night
Don't forget about the Penns Valley Wrestling Benefit! During tonight's event, the proceeds of their gift card raffle will be coming to Pets Come First! A great way to show your support for local athletes and animals at the same time!
2024 Christmas Newsletter
Interested in what Pets Come First has been up to this past year? Want to get our Christmas newsletter delivered right to your home next year? Just send an e-mail to info@petscomefirst.com to get on our mailing list and/or update your address!
Visit Pets Come First and interact with the animals to find that perfect addition to your family!